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The Stories of Our Grantees

CEPF works to empower civil society organizations to do what they do best: Manage the global biodiversity crisis one initiative at a time. Sharing their stories and lessons learned is vital to our collective success.

Two women walking, carrying straps of woven bags across their heads.
Flores, Indonesia.
© Conservation International/photo by Aulia Erlangga

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Yellowish grass and small body of water in foreground, a few palm trees in the background.
Lake and palm swamps on the upper Peruaçu River in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil.
© Guilherme B. Ferreira
The Ignored Crisis in Brazil
Most people haven't heard of the Cerrado, and that's a problem
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15 CEPF staffers on Go-To-Meeting from home.
CEPF staffers "meet" while working from home.
A Letter to Grantees From CEPF's Executive Director
Your work is more important than ever
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3 forest guards standing in field, large hills and blue sky in background.
Forest guards on patrol in Dedza Forest Reserve, Malawi.
© Wildlife Action Group
6 Recent Conservation "Wins" From the Biodiversity Hotspots
CEPF staff share grantee successes they're excited about
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