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The Stories of Our Grantees

CEPF works to empower civil society organizations to do what they do best: Manage the global biodiversity crisis one initiative at a time. Sharing their stories and lessons learned is vital to our collective success.

Two women walking, carrying straps of woven bags across their heads.
Flores, Indonesia.
© Conservation International/photo by Aulia Erlangga

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Close-up of Black bear with brown and white markings on its face and neck.
Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in Corosha, Amazonas, Peru.
© Michael Tweddle
Announcing CEPF's 2020 Photo Contest
Submit your best project-related photos, past or present
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Close-up of white bird with black markings and red beak flying over ocean.
Photos of wildlife in motion, like this red-billed tropicbird in the Galapagos, are more difficult to capture, but can be very compelling.
© O. Langrand
How to Take Great Project Photos
No fancy camera? No problem!
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Close-up of a 3 birds: green parrot next to a brown falcon next to a pink and brown pigeon.
Echo parakeet, Mauritius kestrel and pink pigeon.
© O. Langrand
Saving the Birds of Mauritius
How conservationists brought 3 species back from the brink
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