CEPF’s investment in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot is guided by the following strategic directions as outlined in the Updated Investment Strategy (PDF - 4.2 MB) of 2020.
1. Address threats to high priority species.
1.1 Targeted monitoring of exploitation and trade of high-priority species.
1.2 Change behavior of trappers, traders or buyers through appropriate enforcement, education, incentives, and alternatives.
2. Improve management of sites (KBAs) with and without official protection status.
2.1 Facilitate effective collaboration between CSO, local and indigenous communities, private sector and MPA management units to improve planning and management ofofficial protected areas.
2.2 Work with central and local governments on legal and policy instruments to improve management effectiveness, including land use plans and development plans, for better site management.
3. Support sustainable natural resource management by communities in priority sites and corridors.
3.1 Support community institutions to secure adequate rights over resources, and to develop and implement rules on resource use.
3.2 Support sustainable management of small-scale fisheries through increased capacity, improved local regulation and strengthened local institutions.
3.3 Develop alternatives for livelihoods otherwise dependent on unsustainable resource management practices and enhance markets for sustainably produced products and services.
3.4 Engage with private sector to support sustainable practices.
3.5 Consolidate and sustain the impact of community-based initiatives through integration into government plans, policy and regulations, including identification of customary rights over marine resources.
4. Strengthen community-based action to protect marine species and sites.
4.1 Support strengthening and extension of existing locally managed MPAs, and the identification and establishment of new ones.
4.2 Strengthen local institutions and mechanisms for management and monitoring of local marine protected areas.
4.3 Support the engagement of local government to increase the financial sustainability and legal effectiveness of local marine protected areas.
4.4 Facilitate the sharing of lessons and experiences between stakeholders involved in marine conservation initiatives.
6. Enhance civil society capacity for effective conservation action in Wallacea.
6.1 Enhance the institutional and technical capacity of civil society to identify, plan and undertake surveys, planning, implementation, and monitoring of conservation actions.
6.2 Catalyze networking and collaboration among community groups, NGOs, private sector, and other elements of civil society.
6.3 Strengthen local CSOs capacity for creative approaches to entrepreneurship, securing financial resources and influencing allocation of funds by other agencies.
7. Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of conservation investment through a regional implementation team.
7.1 Operationalize and coordinate CEPF’s grant-making processes and procedures to ensure effective implementation of the investment strategy throughout the hotspot.
7.2 Sustain and expand a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries towards achieving the shared conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile.
7.3 Monitor the impact of grants towards conservation outcomes, disseminate lessons to encourage mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation by government and private sector.
Read more about CEPF’s strategy in the hotspot in Chapter 12 of the Updated Investment Strategy: Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (PDF - 4.2 MB).