CEPF's current investment in the Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot is guided by the following strategic directions as outlined in the 2019 ecosystem profile.
- Improve the protection and management of 33 priority sites for long-term sustainability.
- 1.1 Strengthen the legal protection of priority sites.
- 1.2 Prepare and implement participatory management plans that support broad stakeholder collaboration.
- 1.3 Assess climate change impacts and integrate climate change adaptation into management plans and their implementation responses to protect ecosystem functions and build resilience.
1.4 Eradicate, control or prevent further spread of invasive plants and animals that are affecting globally threatened species populations at priority sites.
- 1.5. Update the Key Biodiversity Area analysis to fill critical conservation planning data gaps in Haiti.
- Increase landscape-level connectivity and ecosystem resilience in seven priority corridors.
- 2.1 Prepare and support implementation of participatory local and corridor-scale land-use and watershed management plans to guide future development and conservation efforts.
- 2.2 Support sustainable livelihoods in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and nature tourism that enhance ecosystem resilience and landscape-level connectivity and deliver gender-equitable benefits, in order to maintain the functionality of priority sites.
- 2.3 Promote the adoption and scaling up of conservation best practices in those enterprises compatible with conservation to promote connectivity and ecosystem services in the corridors.
- 2.1 Prepare and support implementation of participatory local and corridor-scale land-use and watershed management plans to guide future development and conservation efforts.
- Safeguard priority Critically Endangered and Endangered species.
- 3.1 Prepare and implement conservation actions plans for priority Critically Endangered and Endangered species
- 3.2 Identify climate impacts and develop and implement management plans in response to climate change impacts on priority Critically Endangered and Endangered species.
3.3 Support assessments of high priority plant families to update national lists and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and develop conservation action plans.
- 3.1 Prepare and implement conservation actions plans for priority Critically Endangered and Endangered species
- Improve the enabling conditions for biodiversity conservation in countries with CEPF priority sites.
- 4.1 Support the role of civil society organizations in policy dialogue and advocacy focused on government policies and practices that impact priority sites.
4.2 Mainstream biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service values into development policies, projects, and plans by government and the private sector, with a focus on addressing major threats such as unsustainable agriculture, mining, tourism, and infrastructure development.
4.3 Establish and strengthen sustainable financing mechanisms.
4.4 Build stakeholder and constituency support for the conservation of priority sites and priority globally threatened species through targeted communication and information dissemination.
- 4.1 Support the role of civil society organizations in policy dialogue and advocacy focused on government policies and practices that impact priority sites.
- Support Caribbean civil society to conserve biodiversity by building local, national and regional institutional capacity and fostering stakeholder collaboration.
- 5.1 Strengthen civil society organizations’ technical knowledge and skills to implement practical, applied biodiversity conservation actions through short-term training in topics that will advance implementation of projects that support CEPF priorities, based on a civil society organization training assessment and strategy.
5.2 Strengthen the administrative, financial, fundraising and project management capacity of strategic CEPF civil society partners to implement biodiversity conservation programs and activities.
5.3 Support local, national and regional information exchange, networking, mentorship and coalition building among civil society organizations.
- 5.1 Strengthen civil society organizations’ technical knowledge and skills to implement practical, applied biodiversity conservation actions through short-term training in topics that will advance implementation of projects that support CEPF priorities, based on a civil society organization training assessment and strategy.
- Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of CEPF investment through a regional implementation team.
6.1 Build a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries to strengthen the communication capacity of local civil society organizations in support of their mission and to build public awareness on the importance of conservation outcomes.
Read more about CEPF's strategy in the hotspot in of our ecosystem profile (PDF - 16.6 MB), also available in French (PDF - 17.4 MB) and Spanish (PDF - 18.1 MB).