CEPF's investment in the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot is guided by the following strategic directions as outlined in the ecosystem profile.

  1. Support local partnerships for conservation of globally important coastal biodiversity (US$4.5 million).
    • 1.1 Support involvement of civil society in the management of Marine Protected Areas and realize opportunities to establish new ones.
    • 1.2 Advance the protection, restoration and improved management of coastal wetlands, with the participation of local stakeholders.
  2. Promote the values of freshwater ecosystems and advance their protection, restoration and improved management (US$3.2 million).
    • 2.1 Document and promote recognition of the freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem service values of Key Biodiversity Areas.
    • 2.2 Advance protection, restoration and improved management of important sites for freshwater biodiversity, with the participation of local stakeholders.
  3. Promote traditional land-use practices that maintain biodiversity in priority corridors (US$3.75 million).
    • 3.1 Support traditional resource managers to follow land management practices that maintain biodiversity in mountain landscapes.
    • 3.2 Document and promote traditional land-use practices and Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures among local and national governments.
  4. Strengthen the engagement of civil society to support conservation of threatened plants and plant communities (US$2.2 million).
    • 4.1 Build the capacity of the botanical community to increase knowledge and skills and engage in applied conservation of threatened plants.
    • 4.2 Secure better implementation of plant conservation in the management of protected areas.
    • 4.3 Take innovative actions for conservation of threatened plants, working with landowners and land users.
    • 4.4 Improve conservation efforts for wild crop relatives, medicinal plants and other wild plants of economic and cultural value.
  5. Facilitate the development of a robust and resilient community of conservation Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) (US$1 million).
    • 5.1 Provide support to targeted conservation CSOs engaged in a process of organizational development.
    • 5.2 Enhance the collective strength and ability of conservation CSOs at national and regional levels.
  6. Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of conservation investment through a regional implementation team (US$2.76 million).
    • 6.1 Support a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries towards achieving the shared conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile.

Total Budget: US$17,400,000