Request for Proposals from Pre-Qualified Organizations Only
Regional Implementation Team

OPENING DATE: 16 December 2015
NEW CLOSING DATE: 7 February 2016

On 11 November 2015, CEPF requested that organizations interested in serving as the Regional Implementation Team (RIT) for the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot submit an expression of interest by 4 December 2015 in order to pre-qualify to submit a formal proposal per the request for proposals (RfP) attached here. Seven eligible organizations submitted an expression of interest by the closing date and are named in the RfP. Only those seven organizations are now invited to submit a formal proposal. Organizations not named in the RfP are free to join, as a subordinate partner, one of those seven pre-qualified organizations applying as a lead entity.

The organization selected to serve as the RIT, and any of its subordinate partners, will not be eligible to receive any other CEPF funding in the hotspot due to conflict of interest.

A conference call was held in both English and French on Monday 4 January 2016 at 11:30 am Eastern Standard Time, at which time CEPF representatives briefly described the expectations for the RIT and responded to participants’ questions. A written account of the questions and answers and a full audio recording of the call will be posted here by 12 January 2016.


Request for Proposals

Terms of Reference

Conference Call: 4 January 201​6

  • Audio (MP3 - 9.5 MB) Left-click to play or right-click to download
  • Presentation (PDF - 1.6 MB)

Grantee Proposal Budget Template

Questions and Answers

Additional Q&A

Q: Since CEPF is a joint initiative of institutions that includes CI (Conservation International) and that CEPF Secretariat is based at CI's headquarters, how will the evaluation processes avoid any potential "conflict of interest" on CI-Brazil applying for the RIT position? And which institutions will be part of the evaluation committee?

A: The RIT proposals will be evaluated by multiple members of the CEPF Secretariat, working independently, and scored against the publicized criteria. The results of these evaluations will be shared with the CEPF Working Group, which will select the winning application, and make a recommendation to the Donor Council for formal approval. The CEPF Working Group will comprise representatives of AFD, the European Union, GEF, Government of Japan, MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. The seventh global donor to CEPF, Conservation International, will be recused from the Working Group meeting, due to conflict of interest.

Q: Will the documents submitted by all proponents be disclosed? As well as the grades given to each evaluation topics?

A: The proposals submitted by each applicant are confidential. The scores given by the CEPF Secretariat will be made public, in an aggregated form.

Q: If a proponent does not agree with the grades given to an institution, will there be a mechanism to request a review of or justification for the grading?

A: CEPF has an established grievance mechanism (see this page​), and any individual or organization who has a grievance with any aspect of the operations of the fund is entitled to lodge it through this mechanism.