Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Addressing Vietnam’s Ecological Footprint in the Lower Mekong Region
Simple vehicles carrying timber driving down a dirt road.
Timber being extracted from Hoang Anh Gia Lai rubber plantation, Cambodia.
© Conservation International/photo by Jack Tordoff
Addressing Vietnam’s Ecological Footprint in the Lower Mekong Region
Grantee Name: 
Center for People and Nature Reconciliation
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Strengthen the capacity of Vietnamese civil society organizations to monitor and analyze the impacts of Vietnam’s overseas trade, investment and development assistance on biodiversity, ecosystems and local communities. Promote the development and adoption of environmental and social safeguard policies by leading companies, investors and government agencies. Develop an open portal for disseminating Vietnamese development data.

Strategic Direction: 6 Engage key actors in mainstreaming biodiversity, communities and livelihoods into development planning in the priority corridors