
Mauritius kestrel sitting in a tree
Mauritius kestrel
© Adisha Sewdyal

Call for Letters of Inquiry for Small Grants

With funding from the Green Climate Fund through l’Agence Française de Développement as the accredited entity, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is managing a 10-year program of support to civil society organizations to promote ecosystem-based adaptation in the Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot.

CEPF and its regional implementation team (RIT) for the hotspot, are accepting letters of inquiry (LOIs) from nongovernmental organizations, community groups, Indigenous peoples’ organizations, women’s groups, private companies and other civil society organizations for projects that address the eligible activities and geographies of this call. 

Eligible Country:  Mauritius (including Rodrigues Island) 
Opening Date: Tuesday, 15th August 2023 
Closing Date: Saturday, 30th September 2023, 12 pm (Mauritian time, GMT+4)
Maximum grant size: US$50,000

Please read carefully the detailed instructions, criteria and restrictions in the Calls for Letters of Inquiry, available further below, before applying to this call. 

How to apply

Submit your application by the closing date as an e-mail attachment to cepfproposals@iucn.nl. Your application should be in English or French, and following the templates provided in the call for small grants below. Entitle your email with the following subject line: LOI_2/2023/SG_CEPF_”country”/”your organization”.

For example for Mauritius: LOI_2/2023/SG_CEPF_MUS/IUCN NL

Technical scope of the call

CEPF is looking for proposals focusing on the following Investment Priority as part of Strategic Directions 1 as detailed in the ecosystem profile

Strategic Direction 1: Empower communities and civil society to implement actions to improve the resilience of species, ecosystems, and human populations to climate change in priority Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs).

  • Investment Priority 1.1: Implement Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) actions, including agroforestry, “climate smart agriculture”, eradication of Invasive alien species (IAS), restoration of degraded watersheds and coastal ecosystems (including wetlands, mangroves, reefs and seagrass beds), and promotion of sustainable management of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems.

More Information

Online information session
An online information session will be held in English on Thursday, August 24 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Mauritian time, GMT+4) to inform all potential candidates and give them the opportunity to ask questions. The session will be recorded. Register here.

Call for Letters of Inquiry
English (PDF – 709 KB)

Reference materials

Additional resources

Frequently asked questions

We’re receiving questions from potential applicants on a regular basis. For transparency purposes, all incoming questions and our answers are published on this website in English and French and will be updated on a regular basis (most recent update: 7 August 2023).

Regional Implementation Team

CEPF has enlisted a consortium of nongovernmental organizations to be its regional implementation team (RIT) in the hotspot. Coordinated by IUCN NL, the RIT includes SAF/FJKM for Madagascar, ID-ONG for Comoros, FORENA for Mauritius and SeyCCAT for Seychelles. These organizations are working with CEPF to implement a five-year conservation strategy for the hotspot and build local civil society capacity. The RIT can be reached via the following email address: cepfproposals@iucn.nl.