Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Mediterranean Regional Implementation Team: Programmatic Functions
The CEPF Mediterranean Basin Regional Implementation Team (RIT)
The CEPF Mediterranean Basin Regional Implementation Team (RIT)
© BirdLife
Mediterranean Regional Implementation Team: Programmatic Functions
Grantee Name: 
BirdLife International
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Forge a network of partners that can communicate CEPF's purpose and strategic focus of the investment to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of civil society in the Mediterranean Basin. Establish a roundtable of relevant donor partners in the Mediterranean Basin to ensure that biodiversity conservation throughout the 34 countries can be achieved through broad-based support. Support the strategic development of the portfolio to achieve critical conservation results that yield portfolio-wide benefits. Such activities may include facilitating learning exchanges between grantees and stakeholders, identifying leverage opportunities for CEPF, or collaborating with other donors and their conservation projects.

Strategic Direction: 4 Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of CEPF investment through a regional implementation team