Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Support Communities in Improving Water Management Practices and Biodiversity Conservation Near Morocco's Wadi Micro-Watershed of Oued Outat
Joining the Reforestation Site of Association Haite-Moulouya during a CEPF field mission, Morocco.
Joining the Reforestation Site of Association Haite-Moulouya during a CEPF field mission, Morocco.
© Pierre Carret
Support Communities in Improving Water Management Practices and Biodiversity Conservation Near Morocco's Wadi Micro-Watershed of Oued Outat
Grantee Name: 
Association Haute Moulouya pour l'Ecotourisme et la Protection de la Nature
Mediterranean Basin
Jun 2015
Feb 2017
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy
Mediterranean Basin
Jun 2015
Feb 2017

Work with communities near Morocco's Oued Outat River Basin to identify good and bad water management practices; build capacity on water management issues, including legislative framework, the importance of the river ecosystem and the services it provides to the people from the valley and beyond; and organize exchange visits to other sites in Morocco and Albania to benefit from other regions' experiences. Work with communities to prepare recommendations for improved water resources and river ecosystem management, and present the recommendations to local government and other public institutions in charge of water management. Complete a demonstration activity of better water management practices, including rehabilitation of 50 hectares of natural habitat.

Strategic Direction: 2 Establish the sustainable management of water catchments and the wise use of water resources with a focus on the priority corridors of the (1) Atlas Mountains, (2) Taurus Mountains, (3) Orontes Valley and Lebanon Mountai