Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Mediterranean Regional Implementation Team: Administrative Functions
The CEPF Mediterranean Basin Regional Implementation Team (RIT)
The CEPF Mediterranean Basin Regional Implementation Team (RIT)
© BirdLife
Mediterranean Regional Implementation Team: Administrative Functions
Grantee Name: 
BirdLife International
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Create a partnership between BirdLife International’s Global Secretariat and Middle East Division, La Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux/BirdLife in France, and DOPPs BirdLife in Slovenia as well as other stakeholders to play a key role as stewards of the ecosystem profile for a region. Provide strategic leadership and local knowledge to appropriately delvelop the portfolio of large and small grants. Support civil society in the development of a portfolio of projects as well as monitoring the impacts of the investment portfolio across eligible countries throughout the Mediterranean Basin hotspot.

Strategic Direction: 4 Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of CEPF investment through a regional implementation team