Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > From the Inventory of Monumental Skadar Pedunculate Oak to Restoration of its Forests and Protection of Biodiversity, Montenegro
From the Inventory of Monumental Skadar Pedunculate Oak to Restoration of its Forests and Protection of Biodiversity, Montenegro
Grantee Name: 
Crnogorsko Društvo Ekologa - Montenegrin Ecologists Society
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Assess current status and renewal of population of endemic Skadar oak tree (Quercus robur ssp scutariensis ) on Skadar Lake, Valley of Zeta river, Delta Bojana and Buljarica. Conduct inventory of old individual trees and habitat modelling. Educate and raise awareness of the local community by engaging them in planting 10,000 seeds for forests revitalization. Design action plan for conservation and suggest proclamation of individual trees as natural monuments.

Strategic Direction: 4 Strengthen the engagement of civil society to support the conservation of plants that are critically endangered or have highly restricted ranges