Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Insects and People of the Southwest Indian Ocean: A Network of Researchers for Insect-Focused Approach to Conservation
Night, a few people looking at a light with net, which has attracted insects.
© Brian L. Fisher
Insects and People of the Southwest Indian Ocean: A Network of Researchers for Insect-Focused Approach to Conservation
Grantee Name: 
California Academy of Sciences Madagascar
Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
May 2016
Mar 2020
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy
Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
May 2016
Mar 2020

Set up "Insects and People of the Southwest Indian Ocean (IPSIO)" as a network of interdisciplinary insect researchers and organizations in the hotspot. IPSIO will provide local conservation decision-makers with information, tools and expert analysis to enable insect data to be used directly in local and regional conservation and restoration planning efforts. It will serve as a central information clearinghouse, a source for technical expertise and an advocacy group.

Strategic Direction: 2 Enable civil society to mainstream biodiversity and conservation into political and economic decision-making.