Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Identifying Conservation Priorities with Local Participation in Cotapata Key Biodiversity Area in Bolivia
Identifying Conservation Priorities with Local Participation in Cotapata Key Biodiversity Area in Bolivia
Grantee Name: 
Conservation International
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Working in close partnership with the Commonwealth of Northern La Paz Municipalities (another CEPF grantee), lay the technical foundation and conduct stakeholder outreach to strengthen protection and sustainable land-use of Cotapata Key Biodiversity Area. The grant supports baseline biological and socio-economic assessments, consultations with local communities and governments for zoning and conservation site identification, and preparation of technical designs as required for declaration of conservation and sustainable use zones in the KBA.

Strategic Direction: 1 Improve protection and management of 36 priority KBAs to create and maintain local support for conservation and to mitigate key threats.