Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Food Products from the Forests in the Cerrado, Brazil
About 10 people stand in an agricultural field, smiling up at camera.
© Cooperativa Agropecuária dos Produtores Familiares de Niquelândia – Cooperagrofamiliar
Food Products from the Forests in the Cerrado, Brazil
Grantee Name: 
Cooperativa Agropecuária dos Produtores Familiares de Niquelândia
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Recognize the role of women in the rural dynamics as actors in the construction of the agroecological approach through the dissemination of an agroforestry production system (MAES). Involve the farming families through the revaluation of the productive attributions of men and women, and thus, the strengthening of local social capital while triggering sustainable rural development.

Strategic Direction: 1 Promote the adoption of best practices in agriculture in the priority corridors