Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Empowering Women and Youth for Threats Reduction in Northwest Ecuador
Empowering Women and Youth for Threats Reduction in Northwest Ecuador
Grantee Name: 
Fundación para el Desarrollo de Alternativas Comunitarias de Conservación del Trópico
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Increase capacity of women and youth to reduce biodiversity threats from forest fires and unsustainable land use in the Key Biodiversity Areas of the Awa Territory and El Ángel Ecological Reserve. Support leadership training and empowerment, forest fire prevention and control, communications and participatory governance. Establish an early warning system for threat identification. Promote organizational development and capacity building to integrate gender considerations into conservation projects.

Strategic Direction: 4 Cultivate a highly-trained, well-coordinated and resilient civil society sector at the local, corridor, and hotspot levels to achieve CEPF's conservation outcomes.