Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Conservation of Sakamena Complex: Green Belt Around Beza Mahafaly Reserve
Conservation of Sakamena Complex: Green Belt Around Beza Mahafaly Reserve
Grantee Name: 
Madagascar National Parks
Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
Apr 2016
May 2019
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy
Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
Apr 2016
May 2019

Ensure connectivity of vegetation between the Beza Mahafaly Protected Area and the Mikea Landscape, as stated in the ecosystem profile of the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands biodiversity hotspot. It is envisaged that the resources targeted by this project will be given special status to ensure that the Reserve is in perfect connection with the Mikea landscape. The next objective is to make the surrounding population of the forest in question aware of how to carry out a practice favorable to this resource while at the same time valuing the taboo of consumption of lemur and consumption of turtle canceled as sensitization channels. The ultimate goal is to rule this forest in a green belt of the Protected Area through the complex while valuing us, custom and tradition as a conservation policy. A regional platform will be established to take part in the governance of the complex to compensate for the prospect of the State on the next mining operations around the complex

Strategic Direction: 1 Empower local communities to protect and manage biodiversity in priority key biodiversity areas.