Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Conservation Planning and Implementation to Safeguard Bolivia's <em>Puya raimondii</em>
Conservation Planning and Implementation to Safeguard Bolivia's <em>Puya raimondii</em>
Grantee Name: 
Centro de Estudios en Biología Teórica y Aplicada
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Reduce threats and conserve Bolivia’s Endangered Puya raimondii and empower women through components dedicated to management planning and strengthening of Flavio Machicado Wildlife Sanctuary, seedling cultivation and replanting of 100 puyas, inventory and data compilation, preparation of a national puya conservation strategy, awareness raising and environmental education, development of puya tourism and livelihoods for women, and strengthening partner capacity in gender.

Strategic Direction: 3 Safeguard priority globally threatened species.