Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Agroforestry Providing Ecosystem Services in Jardim Botânico Ecological Station, Brazil
About a dozen people standing in dirt area ready for planting.
© Rede Bartô
Agroforestry Providing Ecosystem Services in Jardim Botânico Ecological Station, Brazil
Grantee Name: 
Associação Rede Rio São Bartolomeu de Mútua Cooperação - Rede Bartô
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Benefit communities of family farmers that are located in Jardim Botânico Ecological Station, a Key Biodiversity Area of great importance mainly for its hydrological services by conserving and restoring Areas of Permanent Preservation (APPs) and Legal Reserves (LRs). The project will also seek to reduce deforestation by improving soil quality and increasing agriculture and agroforestry productivity.

Strategic Direction: 3 Promote and strengthen supply chains associated with the sustainable use of natural resources and ecological restoration in the hotspot